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CategoryNameMatching OrderMatching RuleDescriptionMore info
-BaseCelln/on/oAll Cell`s definition classes extend it.abstract
ContentNormalCell1not started by ##, #! or #=This one copy all styles, width, properties and value form template.default
ContentVariableCell3## pathToVariableWrite variable from ViewModel.
Paths to object's property or array item are allowed.
When asking about undefined variable it returns empty string.
Paths examples:
ContentTemplateStringCell4Starts with #` Template string allows you to create advanced text, for example concat two variables or put them into a sentence. To write in a variable use ${pathToVariable}.Example:
#` Hello ${name}! How are you? gives for instance Hello World! How are you?
ContentHyperlinkCell7#! HYPERLINK pathToLabel pathToTargetCreate a hyperlink.Paths resolve exactly same as VariableCell
ContentFormulaCell6Cell.type eq. formulaeIt handles correctly formulas inside and outside of loops - when rows were shifted compared to the template.It is used automatically when formulae from the template being rendered
ContentTemplateFormulaCell5Starts with #=This one allows you to put a template string (custom formula) into a cell as a formula. To write in a variable use ${pathToVariable}.Example:
#= ${summaryFormula}(A2:A${item.__endOutput.r}) gives something like =MAX(A2:A2910)
NavigationEndRowCell2#! END_ROWGo to the beginning of next row
FinishCell9#! FINISH conditionPathFinish rendering for current worksheet and:
1) go to next worksheet if conditionPath===true
2) repeat this template worksheet again (conditionPath === false) - looping through worksheets
3) finished whole rendering when this worksheet is the last one.
#! FINISHED or #! FINISHED itemFromLoop.__iterated
WorksheetWsNameCell15#! WS_NAME pathToVariableSet worksheet's name.Examples:
#! WS_NAME worksheetName
#! WS_NAME item.title
#! WS_NAME translatedNames.0
LoopDumpColsCell12#! DUMP_COLS pathToArrayUseful for writing through multiple columns. It put each value of array to next column.Example
LoopForEachCell8#! FOR_EACH item itemsBegin the loop named item, set the first element of items into item and go to the beginning of next line.Connected to: ContinueCell, EndLoopCell, DeleteCell, FinishedCell, SumCell, AverageCell.
LoopContinueCell11#! CONTINUE itemIterate to next element of loop named item (check ForEachCell for more information) and navigate to the beginning of new line.
LoopEndLoopCell10#! END_LOOP itemMark cell when the loop item finished.
AggregationSumCell13#! SUM itemWrite sum formulae for current column and the item's rows.Example
AggregationAverageCell14#! AVERAGE itemWrite average formulae for current column and the item's rows.Example
View ModelDeleteCell16#! DELETE pathToVariableDelete variable, useful for nested loops.Example